Life is work.
Work is life.
Life is all about relationships - and work is no exception.
In fact, the key to long-term happiness and fulfillment is “our relationships.”
This is what Harvard's legendary Grant and Glueck Study found out over the last 80 years:
"The quality of our work-life - emotionally, physically, and mentally - is directly proportional to the quality of our relationships."
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Employee Engagement,
Employee Experience,
Best Practice
I reckon all businesses out there are driven to achieve higher business results.
Here business results mean anything your organization wants to achieve.
This could be purpose-driven or profit-driven.
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Internal Communications,
Employee Experience,
Operational Efficiency
The key to any successful business is communication. After all, communication is essential in every aspect of company operations, from onboarding new employees to introducing new policies. When employees are well-informed, they perform better, are more productive, and feel happier in their workplace.
Here are 12 reasons why you’ll achieve greater success by prioritizing effective communication and using a great employee app.
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Employee Engagement,
Internal Communications,
Employee Experience,
Best Practice,
We are in the midst of The Great Reshuffle with many people changing jobs within the frontline industries.
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Employee Experience,
Best Practice,
Operational Efficiency
As more digital tools enter the workplace, organizations should pay particular attention to the actual, not promised, productivity within their workforce. According to PwC’s Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2022, one of the biggest challenges they identified is the need to improve what is often called the “employee experience.”
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Internal Communications,
Employee Experience,
Best Practice,
Operational Efficiency
Studies have shown that the majority of all staff turnover happens within the first year. Highly engaged employees, however, resign less frequently than disengaged employees.
In your mind, when is an employee’s engagement level at the highest?
On the day an employee signs the offer letter their employee engagement is presumably at a peak.
Why would any organization want to let it drop by missing the opportunity to keep that momentum up?
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Employee Experience,
Best Practice,
Operational Efficiency
Companies are quite adept at managing how they communicate their messages outside the company and towards their target customers. They have entire departments and teams of experts that strategize an external communications strategy and implement this through a well-thought-out communications plan.
But what about internal communications? This is the act of conceptualizing and implementing a communications strategy targeted towards your own employees. This often does not receive the same attention and focus that external communications receives.
But why is this the case?
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Internal Communications,
Best Practice,
Operational Efficiency
Isn't the overall goal of Internal Communication to turn strategy into action?
Whenever I ask organizations how they communicate with and get their message across to their entire workforce - including their non-desk workforce that performs their work on-the-go - I often hear, “Oh, internal communication with our mobile workforce? We have it covered. Everyone is on WhatsApp.”
This makes me very concerned and uneasy.
Have you ever asked yourself the question, "What could be so wrong with using a consumer tool for internal corporate communications?"
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Employee Engagement,
Internal Communications,
Employee Experience,
Best Practice,
Operational Efficiency,
I don’t know about you, but I am starting to get a bit tired of those endless discussions about “The Future of Work”.
Much of that debate centers around technology and WHERE we perform our work.
But the future of work is actually about people.
When we talk about it, we talk about humans — how we work, with whom we work, and yes - also where we work.
The Future Of Work is human and must be humane.
It is more about people than location!
Now is the time to take a fresh look at the employer/employee relationship and the fitting tool to strengthen that relationship.
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Employee Engagement,
Internal Communications,
Employee Experience,
Operational Efficiency