Employee experience (EX) is our journey within the workplace. It must include the entire organizational journey; starting from the application process and continuing after being separated. This includes recruitment, on-boarding, our role within the organization, how well we understand the goals of the business, how the company rewards us and how it develops us to be the best that we possibly can be.
Is it optional?
Certainly not. We will have an experience anyway. Whether it is a good one that we enjoy for many years or a bad one we want to quit quickly will make or break a business in the long run.
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Employee Engagement,
Employee Experience,
Best Practice,
Operational Efficiency
Imagine you could increase your business revenue by better engaging your employees. What would that mean for your company? For starters, it would give you a competitive advantage, and boost your value proposition. Achieving that goal is easier than you think. Engage your workforce with a mobile solution such as a team app and you’ll start to see the monetary benefits as well as the employee engagement rewards.
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Employee Engagement,
Internal Communications,
Best Practice,
Operational Efficiency
What do today’s two billion mobile workers have in common?
While the use cases may vary, the needs of the global distributed workforce remain universal. Whether in hospitality, manufacturing, retail, construction, or healthcare, to name a few, frontline workers need access to mobile communication to:
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Internal Communications,
Best Practice,
Operational Efficiency
Workplace safety is more than a priority for any company; it’s imperative that companies recognize the value in the integral relationship between operations efficiency and safety. Implementing real-time internal communications means you never have to choose between efficient operations and workforce safety with manifold benefits.
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Best Practice,
Operational Efficiency,
In Singapore staff attrition rates are rather high and employee engagement is rather low when compared to our neighboring countries.
According to the Ministry of Manpower attrition rates are the highest (> 40%) in sectors that are also characterized by a high share of Non-Desk Employees like F&B and Hospitality.
These Non-Desk Employees, also referred to as frontline employees, significantly impact a company's success. Especially since they are the people that interact with your customers and guests most frequently.
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Internal Communications,
Employee Experience,
Operational Efficiency
Creating an internal communications culture across multiple properties can be hard. The same is true for managing hotel operations across a diversified portfolio. It can be tough to know how to blend these various cultures and brand identities on the local level while ensuring organization-wide alignment.
How can hospitality property managers bridge the multi-location cultural divide, and ensure smooth hotel operations?
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Internal Communications,
Employee Experience,
Operational Efficiency,
In business, change is inevitable. Companies evolve in any number of ways: new leadership, rapid growth, digital transformation, a merger, or an acquisition.
The traditional approach to change management usually implies detailed central planning and top-down hypotheses. The result? Around 70% of change projects fail.
The new collaborative way of managing change focuses on the process of collective, joint-exploration of change. Because people are not against change per se – they are against being changed. To make the people part of the change they first need to believe in change.
Change begins with Communication.
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Internal Communications,
Best Practice
Just like in any relationship, poor staff communication can cause an organization to slowly deteriorate. The problem with poor communication is it can be hard to recognize before the damage is done. Tasks start falling through the cracks and blame is then passed around.
Good communication is key to the health and well being of a company.
A Towers Watson Study found companies with highly effective employee communications tools enjoy 47% higher financial returns compared to firms with ineffective communication.
Here are 6 signs a good employee communication software could spot to nip your staff communications issues in the bud.
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Internal Communications,
Best Practice
One of the biggest operational challenges faced by companies with a large percentage of frontline workers is high turnover rates.
When your workplace becomes a revolving door of new staff members, your bottom line starts to struggle. Constantly having to recruit and train new employees gets expensive. Very expensive.
There are a number of reasons why turnover rates are so high among frontline workers. Here are just a few.
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Employee Experience,
Best Practice,
Operational Efficiency,
Becoming a digital workplace is more than downloading apps, automating HR functions, or adopting communication tools.
While these are core components of a digital workplace, there has to be a well-thought-out strategy to accompany adoption that benefits every level of your company.
When a digital workplace is implemented as an intentional business solution it delivers results, like a high performing workforce, that makes your company more competitive.
As you design your digital workplace strategy you need to know:
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Internal Communications,
Employee Experience,
Best Practice,
Operational Efficiency